Abiding in the Vine – What Did Jesus Mean? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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What did Jesus mean by abiding in the vine?  Does this have application to us in specific ways?  What is the meaning of abiding in the vine? The Vine The vine is a symbol of ancient Israel.  It was engraved on the temple as symbolic to being attached to the Vinedresser, which is God Himself.  […]

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How We Can Receive God’s Blessings: The Many Blessings of the Beatitudes

by Jack Wellman
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Everyone wants to be blessed by God.  What Bible verses are there where we can receive blessings by God and where Jesus says that if we do these things we can certainly be blessed. What the Word Blessed Means Most people might not know that the word blessed means.  It is literally means happy or […]

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How to Have Confidence in Your Salvation

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever doubted your own salvation?  Has doubt crept into your mind about your being saved or not?  Here is how you can have confidence in salvation. Saved From What? We are saved but saved from what?  We are actually saved from God! Yes, saved from God but more specifically, we are saved from […]

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Why Are Christians Called To Be Salt and Light?

by Jack Wellman
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What did it mean when Jesus said that we are the light of the world?  What was the meaning of believers being salt in the world?  What is behind these teachings of Jesus? Are You Worth Your Salt? In Matthew 5:13 Jesus said “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses […]

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Top 10 Bible Verses About Mercy With Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible mentions mercy frequently.  What are some of the more profound Bible verses about mercy?  What Bible verses are your favorites when it talks about mercy? A Definition of Mercy My own personal definition about mercy is this:  Mercy is where we do not really get what we truly deserve. In other words, if […]

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How To Forgive Yourself: A Christian Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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God promises to forgive us but we often have trouble forgiving ourselves.  How can we learn to forgive ourselves when we are consumed with guilt? Forgiveness There are so many Bible verses on forgiveness that it is hard to select only a few but here are some of the most powerful ones that I could […]

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Top 5 Controversial Bible Verses With Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible contains many controversial verses in it.  This does not mean that they are not the truth.  Let’s examine the context of five controversial Bible verses in order to see what is actually being said, either metaphorically, allegorically or literally. Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father […]

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How To Remain Humble In A Fallen World

by Jack Wellman
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Pride is a problem even for Christians.  Knowing that God resists the proud, how can we remain humble and as a child before God in a world that thrives on self-esteem and pride? Pride, the Reason for Satan’s Fall How did Satan fall?   It was pride and his fall indirectly caused the fall of man.  […]

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Red Letter Christians – Are Jesus’ Words More Important than Paul’s?

by Jack Wellman
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Should Christians focus on Jesus’ words alone? Are Paul’s or the rest of the apostle’s writings of secondary importance or are their writings equally important? Red Letter Bibles Maybe you have read some articles or heard some pastors say that they only revere Jesus’ teachings over Paul. Some even ignore all readings of the New […]

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20 Bible Verses About Success: Study From Scripture

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about success? Are there biblical principles about how we can be successful? What do these 20 verses about success tell you? Definition of Success: The World vs. The Word As the world sees success, it is the achievement of a social status, completing a goal, reaching an objective or the […]

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