What Level Of Intimacy Should There Be Before Marriage?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible limit the amount and kind of intimacy that men and women should have before marriage?  If so, what are these limits? The Sanctity of Marriage Hebrews 13:4 “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” The […]

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How Can Christians Recognize Apostasy?

by Jack Wellman
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Is there a way for a Christian to recognize apostasy in their church or in the teachings of others?  Can we use the Bible to reveal what is and what is not apostasy? What is Apostasy? The Greek word from which the word apostasy comes from is “aphistasthai” or “apostasia” and literally means “to revolt.”Apostasy […]

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Was Jesus Christ Married? A Look at the Bible Facts

by Jack Wellman
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Some extra-biblical sources claim that Jesus was married and that He even had children. Is this true? Was Jesus ever married? What does the Bible say about this? Jesus of Nazareth There is no doubt that Jesus Christ is the man Who has had more written about Him than any other single character in the […]

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10 Greatest Preachers of All Time

by Jack Wellman
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Who do you consider the ten greatest preachers of all time?  Who would make your list? Comment and tell us and why. Ten Greatest Preachers The preachers I have selected may differ from yours but those that I have selected were based upon the impact that they had on their churches, on the individuals in […]

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Will Heaven Be Similar To The Garden of Eden?

by Jack Wellman
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Are there similarities to the Garden of Eden and Heaven? If so, what are they? You will be amazed at just how similar they are. The Tree of Life, Rivers, Other Precious Things Genesis 2:9 “And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and […]

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How Did Jesus Fulfill The Day of Atonement?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Day of Atonement point to Jesus Christ?  How did He fulfill this day by His work on the cross? The Day of Atonement This was the one day whereby all the nation of Israel was commanded to fast and was the only feast day of the Jews where there was no food […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Babylon? What Is Its Significance?

by Jack Wellman
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Does Babylon have symbolic meaning for our day today?  Does it have meaning for the future in prophecy?  What is significant about Babylon for Christians today? The Original Babylon Babylon has been around for thousands of years but today it is simply a tourist location and the ruins remain of what was once the greatest […]

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Book of Jude Commentary, Study and Summary

by Jack Wellman
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Why was the Book of Jude written?  Was Jude one of the disciples and if not, who was he?  What was the purpose of the Book of Jude? What was Jude? Jude which in Hebrew is Judas was one of four half-brothers of Jesus Christ (Mark 6:3; Matt 13:55).  He is not the same Judas […]

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Does Transubstantiation Really Happen?

by Jack Wellman
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Is Transubstantiation real during Communion?  In other words, do the bread and wine actually become the real blood and the real body of Jesus Christ?  What does the Bible say about transubstantiation? What is Transubstantiation? Transubstantiation is defined as an act or an instance of something being transubstantiated from one substance into another, completely different […]

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Were the First American Leaders Really Deists?

by Jack Wellman
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Many claim that the early American leaders were deists Is it true that they believed in God but not a God that is sovereign over all the earth? What is Deism? Deism is a theological position concerning the relationship between “the Creator” and the natural world.  It could be the God of the Bible but […]

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