2 Corinthians Bible Study and Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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Here is a brief survey or summary and commentary on 2 Corinthians. The Second Letter to the Corinthians There is internal, biblical evidence that this might actually be the third letter to the Corinthian church and that one of Paul’s letters was lost.  Since we know that God is sovereign, it may be that God […]

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5 Differences Between Walking in the Flesh and Walking in the Spirit

by Jack Wellman
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What does it mean to be walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit?  What can the Bible tell us about the differences between the two? Walking in the Spirit Paul addresses walking in the Spirit with a capital “S” which means that the word Spirit is a proper noun meaning this is God […]

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What Does the Lordship of Christ Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever heard about the “Lordship of Christ?”  What does that mean?  Does this apply to Jesus’ followers? Lordship is… The old English word “lord” without the capital “l” is the same as our use of the word sir or mister today. It is a sign of respect.  We still use this word when […]

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What Does Atonement Mean? Bible Definition of Atonement

by Jack Wellman
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Maybe you’ve heard the word “atonement” and wondered what it means.  What is the biblical definition of the word atonement? Atonement is… The English word for atonement originally meant “at one-ment” or “at one with” like being in harmony with someone and in this case it means to be at one with God through the […]

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How Do You Show Honor to a Parent that is Abusive and Non-Christian?

by Jack Wellman
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We are commanded to honor our father and our mother but how can you honor an abusive parent who is not saved? Are we still commanded to honor parents, no matter what? Honor you Father and your Mother Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land […]

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7 Signs of a True Conversion

by Jack Wellman
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Do you know people who claim to be Christians but doubt whether they really are or not?  Here are seven sure signs of a person that’s truly been converted. No Ongoing Pattern of Sin The Book of 1 John to me is the litmus test for those who claim to be a Christian but really […]

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7 Commandments Jesus Gave From the Gospels

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus gave us commands that went beyond the Ten Commandments, some new and some from the Old Testament. What seven commandments did Jesus give us from the Gospels? Jesus Commandments Like the Ten Commandments, these commands that Jesus gave in the gospels were not the ten suggestions but imperative commands that we have no room […]

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Proverbs 12: Bible Study and Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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Proverbs chapter 12 contains much wisdom but what can we glean from it?  What could you add in commenting about Proverbs chapter 12? What is a Proverb? The Hebrew word for proverb is “mashal” and it can mean several things; “poetry, similitude, a maxim, parable, byword,” and as the word says,” proverb” or “to be […]

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What Does It Mean To Deny Yourself? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Christians are told to deny themselves. What does that mean?  How can a believer deny themselves along the biblical lines that we are commanded to do so? Deny Oneself The first thing that came to mind is to deny oneself at the expense of or for the sake of Jesus being glorified. That is the […]

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Should Christians Confess Sins To One Another?

by Jack Wellman
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Should Christians confess sins to one another or should we confess them only to God…or both? Does the Bible say we should confess our sins to other believers, only one believer or not at all? Confessing Sins to God First and foremost, we confess our sins to God and to confess means that we agree […]

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