Who Were The Hittites In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Who were the Hittites mentioned in the Bible?  What is it important that we know? The Hittite’s Long History The Hittites have been around for a very, very long time as “Canaan was the father of Sidon his firstborn, and of the Hittites” (Gen 10:15) and existed long before Abraham but up to the time of […]

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The Apostle James Biography, Life and Death

by Jack Wellman
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What can we learn about the Apostle James?  What did his life and death look like? The Apostle James The Apostle James was one of the so-called “Sons of Thunder” and specifically named “James, son of Zebedee” and is sometimes called “James the Greater” because there were at least three other James’ in the early […]

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Psalm 91: Commentary, Bible Study and Summary

by Jack Wellman
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What is Psalm 91 all about?  What are things that we can learn from it for today? Psalm 91 appears to be a psalm in the setting of warfare with threats of an imminent battle that is about to, has or is currently taking place between solders that may be facing impossible odds. If the […]

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Genesis Chapter 1: Bible Summary, Study and Questions

by Jack Wellman
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Here is a quick survey or summary of Genesis chapter 1 with a Bible study and associated questions. Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning, God 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” First of all, and before any creature was, God made heaven and earth out of nothing.  Next, of all that […]

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How Does The Bible Define A Fool?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible speaks about the fool many times.  What is the context and how do you define a fool according to the Scriptures? The Fool Says There is no God The word fool is used 71 times in the Book of Proverbs alone and since that word is used so frequently in the book of […]

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Is The Idea Of Having A Soul Mate Biblical?

by Jack Wellman
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Is the idea of having a soul mate biblical?  Are there Bible verses that speak about such a thing? Friends Souls Knitted Together Do you have a very special friend that is like no other in your life?  Maybe it’s your spouse.  Possibly it’s a childhood friend or someone in your church that you can […]

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Romans 3: Commentary, Bible Study And Summary

by Jack Wellman
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Let’s take a close look at Romans chapter 3 and study it together and add some personal commentary to it.  Please leave your own comment so that we can all learn from one another. The Book of Romans The Book of Romans is among my favorites in the entire Bible. This book has caused many […]

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What Role Does China Play In Biblical End Times Studies?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say what role that China plays in the end times?  What Scriptures seem to point to this idea? The Kings of the East When God pours out the bowls of wrath in the Book of Revelation the kings of the east are mentioned, specifically in Revelation 16:12 where it says “The sixth […]

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5 Surefire Ways To Strengthen Your Faith

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 5 great ways to fire up or strengthen your faith straight from the Bible. Serving in the Hard Places If you think you need to have your faith strengthened then try serving someone.  For one thing, it allows us to see just how much we have been blessed by God.  Our church started […]

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5 Good Chapters Of The Bible To Read During Tough Times

by Jack Wellman
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What are 5 good chapters that we can read during really tough times in our lives? What ones would you recommend? The Confidence of our Calling: Romans 8 This might be one of my favorite chapters in all the Bible, whether things are going well or not.  Here’s why.  This chapter has what has been […]

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