How Do I Turn My Life Over To God?

by Jack Wellman
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How can we turn our life over to God?  What does it look like to do this?  What can we do to help us turn our life over to God? Doing the Will of God Jesus Himself submitted to the Father and to His will saying “For I have come down from heaven not to […]

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5 Prayers For Reconciliation In Relationships Between Spouses

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 5 prayers for reconciliation in relationships between spouses. Prayer of Forgiveness Righteous Father, I know that You seek to have us always be in a right relationship with You and sometimes I do things that grieve You. I know that I do and say things that grieve my spouse too so I am […]

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The Apostle Andrew Biography, Life and Death

by Jack Wellman
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What do we know about the Apostle Andrew?  What is it about this man’s life and death that is important for us to know about? The Apostle Andrew The name “Andrew” means “manly, manhood” or “valor” and since God often ascribes meaning to names, this man must have been a manly man.  That is, he […]

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What Were The Epistles In The Bible? What Does Epistle Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the word “epistle” mean?  What were the “epistles” anyway and why is the word no longer in use today? The Apostles Wives? I read a survey many years ago that tested the biblical literacy of Christians.  One of the questions was “What were the wives of the apostles called?”  There were multiple choice […]

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The Apostle Thomas Biography, Doubting, Life and Death

by Jack Wellman
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What can we learn about the Apostle Thomas?  Why is he sometimes called “Doubting Thomas?” The Apostle Thomas The Apostle Thomas might have been one of two twins in his family because his name “Thomas Didymus” means “the twin” but he is usually better known as or referred to more often, unfortunately, as “Doubting Thomas” […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Education? A Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible say anything about education? It most certainly does and here’s a Christian study on the subject of education. Moses, the Educated The Bible is pro-education but it must be tied to godly wisdom or it turns out to be foolishness. Just a quick reading of the proverbs tells us that. Moses was […]

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How To Avoid The Sin Of Pride

by Jack Wellman
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Pride is a sin so how can we avoid the sin of pride according to the Scriptures? What is Pride? Pride was the cause of the fall of Satan from heaven because he became lifted up in his own opinion.  He became great in his own eyes.  He overvalued or overestimated his own worth and […]

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Does The Bible Really Condone Stoning People To Death?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible speaks of stoning people to death? Why? Does the Bible condone this? What is Stoning? People who are both believers and non-believers struggle with the stoning of sinners in the Bible. For one thing, it was not a grey area stoning but something that had to be a very serious offense. God taught […]

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What Was Manna In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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What is “manna” that is mentioned in the Bible?  Why was it mentioned in Scripture in the Old Testament and even in the New Testament by Jesus? Manna – What is it? When God miraculously provided for the children of Israel in the wilderness, He sent them manna and this is what the psalmist called […]

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Who Was Bartholomew In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Not much is said of the Apostle Bartholomew.  Who was this apostle and why do we need to know about him? The Apostle Bartholomew The Apostle Bartholomew was one of the twelve disciples, later named apostles of Christ.  We know precious little of this apostle because he was so infrequently mentioned in the Scriptures.  Even […]

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