What Were Paul’s Missionary Journeys?

by Jack Wellman
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Where did Paul go exactly in all of his missionary journeys? Paul’s First Missionary Trip (44 AD – 50 or 51 AD) The very first missionary journey that Paul took may have started around 44 AD where Paul, Barnabas, and Mark took off from Antioch which is recorded in Acts 13:4-5 where “by the Holy […]

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What Does Wormwood Mean When Used In Revelation?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you read the word “wormwood” in the Book of Revelation or elsewhere in the Old Testament?  What does this word refer too? What is Wormwood? Revelation 8:10-11 says “ The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers […]

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Top 7 Bible Verses To Help Overcome Attacks From The Enemy

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 7 Bible verses that speak about receiving help and overcoming attacks when the enemy comes after you. Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” The Apostle John gives us the context of this verse […]

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What Does Gleaning Mean In The Book Of Ruth?

by Jack Wellman
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If you have ever read the Book of Ruth you can probably recall her gleaning so what does this have to do with the Christian today?  What can we learn from Ruth’s gleaning in the harvest field? What is Gleaning? Gleaning is the custom of following a harvest so that what remains might be used […]

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What Are The Twelve Tribes Of Israel?

by Jack Wellman
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What are the twelve tribes of Israel or should we ask who the twelve tribes of Israel are? What is a Tribe? A tribe is actually a part of the nation of Israel that started with one man and his family.  We go back to Genesis 49:28 to read about the naming of the twelve […]

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Was The American (US) Constitution Really Based on Biblical Principles?

by Jack Wellman
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Did the framers of the Constitution of the United States really base the Constitution upon the Bible and biblical principles? Our Christian Heritage Anti-Christian historical revisionists like to re-write history to make it seem like our nation was not founded on biblical principles but that is not what the historical records actually say nor is […]

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What Are The Gates Of Hell? What Does The Bible Say?

by Jack Wellman
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Are there literal gates of hell?  Why did Jesus refer to this term?  Was it a particular place or just an analogy? What are the Gates of Hell? Jesus once said “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt 16:18b) but what was He talking about?  Are […]

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5 Places To Look In The Bible For Relationship Help

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 5 places that you can look to in the Bible for relationship help. Friends Tell you the Truth I have learned more from being corrected than I ever have from believing I was correct.  Your real friends will tell you the truth but those who aren’t really your friends will flatter you.  The […]

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Who Are The 144,000 In The Book Of Revelation?

by Jack Wellman
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In the Book of Revelation in chapter 7 and 14 there are 144,000 mentioned.   Just who are these 144,000?  Are there only 144,000 who are saved? What does this number represent? The 144,000 Sealed of Israel The Book of Revelation has two mentions of this 144,000 and the first comes in Revelation 14:1-8 and specifically […]

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Is There A Difference Between The Kingdom Of Heaven And Kingdom Of God?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus spoke of the kingdom of heaven and then the kingdom of God.  Are these the same and if not, what are the differences between the two? The King of the Kingdom A kingdom is nothing without a king and our King is Jesus Christ and we are told to seek first the kingdom above […]

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