The Best Bible Verses for Graduates

by Jack Wellman
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Here are some of the most powerful Bible verses that graduates can read to prepare them for life and inspire them by His promises. Lean on Him Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him give Him glory, and […]

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Attributes of a Godly Mother for Mother’s Day

by Jack Wellman
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Mothers are vital to the development of children, and her children are blessed if she has the attributes of a godly mother. Blesses Others I am so blessed to have a wife that is a godly mother. I’ve never seen such a godly wife and mother, so what are the marks of a godly woman? […]

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How to Use Gentleness and Respect to Share the Gospel

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. They Are Watching Us The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. I remember John MacArthur saying, “You might be the only Bible […]

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Should Christians Play Hockey or Boxing or Other Violent Sports?

by Jack Wellman
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How can Christians learn to spot the difference between false prophets and pastors and those who are biblically centered? God’s Ways Jesus Christ has called us to peace, so can Christians play sports that are often physically violent? I heard the old joke that someone went to a boxing match the other day and a […]

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Jesus Tells Us How to Know if We Are Truly His Disciple

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus tells us the way to know for sure if we are His disciples or whether we are not. A True Disciple Jesus tells us the way to know for sure if we are His disciples or whether we are not. By the way, being a disciple does not mean we are a spiritual person […]

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6 Things to Look For In a Church Conference

by Jack Wellman
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Here are six things that you should look for in a church conference. Word-Centered Here are six things that I believe you should look for in a church conference, and number one and most important, is it based upon the Word of God? Does the schedule and programs bring glory to God? Does it conflict […]

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Is It Wrong to Donate Blood or Platelets to the Red Cross or Organs?

by Jack Wellman
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Some believe that the Red Cross profits from donated blood, but is that true and is it wrong to donate blood to the Red Cross? Saves Lives Some believe that the Red Cross profits from donated blood, but is that true and is it wrong to donate blood to the Red Cross? Yes, the Red […]

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Why Does the World No Longer Fear God?

by Jack Wellman
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The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so why is the fear of God disappearing around the world? Good Fear The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so why is the fear of God disappearing around the world? It may seem strange to say that fear can be a good thing, […]

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Why America and Other Nations Have Had Such Bad Leadership

by Jack Wellman
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Why have congress and other political parties become so divided and why do we have such bad leadership in this nation? God’s Sovereignty Why have congress and other political parties become so divided and why do we have such bad leadership in this nation? It has happened in biblical history and it has happened in […]

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How Parents Can Keep the World From Taking Their Children Captive

by Jack Wellman
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Parents and caregivers have never had a more difficult job of keeping their children away from the world and the ways of the world. Christ First Parents and caregivers have never had a more difficult job of keeping their children away from the world and the ways of the world. In the first place, if […]

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