Forgiveness And It’s Emphasis In Bible

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Forgiveness is a main theme of Scripture, so read how forgiveness is an emphasis in the Bible. Concepts of Forgiveness Does the Bible say anything about forgiveness? Yes, it does. Forgiveness is the fundamental principle of the entire Bible. Christians still have many questions about forgiveness. Forgiving is not easy for most of us. According […]

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A Guideline About Writing A Statement of Faith

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If you need help in creating or writing a statement of faith, this article is just for you. Statement of Faith If you’re applying at a religious university or college, it can seem daunting to go through the application form, personal essay, and statement of faith. For some, it’s really difficult to put down on […]

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Bible Verses to Help You Control Your Anger

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Sometimes our anger gets the best of us, so how can we use Scripture to get our anger under control. Normal Emotions At one time or another, we all get angry, so it’s perfectly normal to get angry about things. The reasons are endless. It might be because something didn’t go our way at work, […]

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5 Reasons To Choose A Christian College

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Here are 5 great reasons for you or your children to choose a Christian college to attend. Big Step Making the step to college is a huge moment in any young person’s life, and is a decision made based on many competing factors, however, the fact is, as a practicing Christian, there is an additional […]

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The Biggest Challenges To Your Focus On Faith

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What are three of the biggest challenges to your Christian faith? Religion Religion is extremely important for many people around the world, and faith has done amazing things for people in terms of healing them and guiding them. Most Christians want to feel close to God, to feel that their attention and their focus and […]

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How The Local Church Is Changing The World

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The local church is changing the world more than you can imagine, and doing it one community at a time. Church and Community Not all communities who live in poverty have schools. Not everyone has access to hospitals or even clean water, but where there’s a local church, there is hope. Churches belong to the […]

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Do Christians In Heaven Need Faith?

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Do Christians need to still have faith once they enter the kingdom? What good is faith in heaven? An Earth-Bound Condition Applied Christian faith results in two conditions; one earth-bound and the other sealed in heaven. The first condition is sealed by God. The second condition is sealed by God yet somehow earth-bound to the […]

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Is The Montessori Method biblical? Is Montessori Education Christian?

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What is the Montessori Method? Is a Montessori education Christian? The Montessori Way For over a hundred years, the Montessori way of learning has been adopted by nations from all over the world, and it’s because of the unique ways they help children learn and understand different concepts, including biblical ones. The Montessori Methods is […]

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The Intimate Relationship With Abba Father

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God the Father desires an intimate relationship with every one of us; so close that we can call Him daddy (Abba)! Aleph Beth – Father Aleph is the Hebrew letter for A while Beth is the Hebrew letter for B, but together, the letters or word, AB, means Father. When you put your trust in […]

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Jesus, The Shepherd King

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Jesus is more than the Good Shepherd; He is, in fact, the Shepherd King. The Shepherd King The Hebrew letter Aleph was used to symbolize one of the names of God, and in this case, it was El. Before the letter was called Aleph, it was actually called El or Al, so it was literally […]

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