6 Characteristics of Truly Faithful Christians

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Here are 6 characteristics of a truly faithful Christian. King David The Lord said about King David that he was a man according to His own heart and desire. Luke writes, “And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in […]

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10 Encouraging Bible Verses When You Need Them

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Are you in good shape? Or, do you suffer from pain? If so, here are ten encouraging Bible verses that may be just what you need. Encouragement Are you in good shape? Or, do you suffer from pain? If so, here are ten encouraging Bible verses that may be just what you need. One author […]

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Should Christians be Using Foul Language?

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Should Christians use any kind of foul language? Is it wrong to use substitute words for curse words?? Why Use Profanity? Should Christians use any kind of foul language? Is it wrong to use substitute words for curse words? The Bible is clear that words do matter. How we say things is important because our […]

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What is Backsliding and How Can You Avoid It?

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What is backsliding? Are Christians at risk for backsliding, and if they do backslide, what can they do about it? Backslidden So what is backsliding? Are Christians at risk for backsliding, and if they do backslide, what can they do about it? Backsliding is more common than you think because there are times when e […]

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5 Powerful Strategies to Overcome Fear Today

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Do you live with fear every day? You don’t have to. Here are 5 powerful strategies to help you overcome your fears and do it today.. Immobilizing Fear Fear is an emotional reaction that holds us back from seizing the moment. Yes, people often get stuck in life because of their fears. Some fear losing […]

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7 Roles of the Family in a Child’s Faith

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The role of the Christian family in a child’s faith is of the utmost importance, so here are 7 roles the family plays in a child’s faith. The Family The role of the Christian family in a child’s faith is of the utmost importance, so this is why I want to show you seven roles […]

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9 Spiritual Gifts of The Holy Spirit

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Want to know more about the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Here are 9 spiritual gifts from the God, the Holy Spirit. The Spirit in Us We are blessed to live in our current time. Back in the Old Testament, people did not have the Holy Spirit living in them. He was only a Visitor. […]

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How Todays Schools Can Teach About Faith

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Some schools still teach religion and go in depth about different faiths, but how can the schools of today teach about the Christian faith? Hot Topics Some topics, like faith and politics, are hot topics that bring people of similar beliefs together, but that also divide those of differing views. The issue of teaching faith […]

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5 Reasons Why Religion Should Be Taught In Schools

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Here are 5 practical reasons that religion or Christianity, should be taught in the Bible. Religion as a Subject Religion is a way of living, but sadly not everyone gets to learn that being a believer is an option, or they learn about it quite late in life when there are already some mistakes that […]

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What Is Christian Meditation?

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What is meditation? Are Christians supposed to meditate? Here’s what Christian meditation is. Meditation Christian meditation is a form of prayer that helps to focus our attention on God through silence and listening to Scripture. The word meditation itself means to think deeply or carefully about something. Meditation is growing in popularity, as more people […]

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