A Christian’s Perspective on Mental Health

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W hat is the view of Christians on mental health? Is it okay to seek help when you need it or is it a lack of faith? Faith and Health What is the view of Christians on mental health? Is it okay to seek help when you need it or is it a lack of […]

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Living a Life of Purpose and Meaning: Insights From the Bible

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What is your purpose in life? What meaning is there that we can find in the Bible? Biblical Wisdom What is your purpose in life? What meaning is there that we can find in the Bible? Let’s be real; life can sometimes be a pain but don’t worry. The Bible’s got your back! Its teachings […]

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Christ Has a Unique Kingdom Life for Each Believer

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Paul states in Ephesians that each believer is God’s workmanship (masterpiece). What is the difference between living as His masterpiece and simply experiencing the average Christian life? God’s Masterpiece Paul states in Ephesians that each believer is God’s workmanship (masterpiece). What is the difference between living as His masterpiece and simply experiencing the average Christian […]

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What Are the Attributes and Marks of a Godly Man?

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What are the marks of a godly man? What attributes show his heart is devoted to the Lord? Here is an example of one. Iron Sharpens Iron What are the marks of a godly man? What attributes show his heart is devoted to the Lord? Here is an example of one. I can think of […]

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The Most Important Lessons Christians Can Learn in College

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We can celebrate Thanksgiving every day of the year and not just on the holiday. Here’s how. Diversity in College What are some of the most important lessons Christians can learn while in college? As a graduate who happened to be a believer on campus, I can comment on a believer’s stay in universities or […]

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How Can I Stop the Anxiety? Answers From the Bible

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Anxiety can take over our lives and we can be living with fear and worry over every little problem, so how can we face and fight back against the enemy of anxiety? Anxiety – The Unknown Enemy Anxiety can take over our lives and we can be living with fear and worry over every little […]

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How to Write a Faith Statement for Confirmation

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Astatement of faith for confirmation indicates what you believe trust and hope in. Keep reading to find out what information you need to write a faith statement of confirmation. Statements of Faith A statement of faith for confirmation indicates what you believe trust and hope in. To start with, a faith statement is one in […]

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What David and Jonathan’s Relationship Teach Us About the Covenant of Friendship

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What does David and Jonathan’s friendship teach us about what it means to be a true friend? Friends What does David and Jonathan’s friendship teach us about what it means to be a true friend? Deep within the pages of scripture, we can find many stories of friendship. From the unique relationship between Abraham and […]

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Why Does God Allow Hardships?

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Why does God allow suffering and hardships in our life? There is more than one reason. Why Suffering? Why does God allow suffering and hardships in our life? There is more than one reason. It can be challenging for our finite minds to reconcile two seemingly opposite truths; suffering and God’s ‘good’ plans. We grapple […]

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5 Ways for Christians to Fight Bad Habits

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Believers can face roadblocks in their spiritual growth but the Word of God can help us face these bad habits and overcome them. Roadblocks For believers, bad habits become a roadblock for their spiritual growth. Some Christians will blame others, their circumstances, parents or teachers for developing bad habits. However, bad habits don’t have to […]

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How to turn your sermon into clips

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