What Are The Characteristics Of Good Service?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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We live in a consumer based society. Whether it is the latest phone, television, or just simply going out to eat several times a week. In fact, many economists tell us that in America, our economic base has changed from farming, to manufacturing, to consumerism in a little over a hundred years. But, if you […]

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How Does the Birth of Christ Give Us Comfort and Joy to Live for Him?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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When I came to Christ, it was the fall of 1990 and I had just gone through a time in my life when there were a lot of major changes that were very troubling. However, while this emotional upheaval made me very sad and it continues to do so even today if I think about […]

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What Does God Say About Serving Others?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Not long ago it was common for churches to offer tapes or CDs of sermons for people to listen to. Later, sermons could be downloaded from church websites. With the invention of social media, live broadcasts of church services are now possible. However, what is being broadcasted today has changed. Instead of inspirational preaching, many […]

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What Name Does God Give To The Wicked?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams

We live in a time where people are quick to label others. However, too often the labels we give to others have nothing to do with whom they really are. Instead, we label them to judge them as being someone or something that is undesirable or wicked. Therefore, before we apply any label or name […]

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Do We Have to Tell Anyone About Our Secret Sins?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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It is often said that character is what you do when nobody is watching. This means that who you really are is demonstrated in how you do things when you think that no one knows what you are doing. It also reveals a secret part of us that we usually keep hidden from the world, […]

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What Will People Wear in Heaven?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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One of the things that believers often do is muse about what we will look like when we are in heaven. Many times, I have heard someone say something to the effect that they hope they look like they did at an earlier time in their life. While these conversations are often comical, it does […]

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What Does “Come Short” Mean in Romans 3:23?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Many Christians are familiar with and use the Romans Road presentation of salvation for sharing the gospel with others. However, there is a particular phrase in Romans 3:23 that is often overlooked or glossed over that is important to fully understand in light of salvation. What does the phrase “come short” mean in Romans 3:23? […]

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5 Tips on how to Counsel Someone About Suicide

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Most of us will encounter someone who has thought about or attempted suicide. Likewise, most of us may not know what to say or do when someone tells us they are thinking about suicide or have tried it. Therefore, it is important to get immediate help for someone who wants to commit suicide. It is […]

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Bible Definitions: Natural Man, Spiritual Man, Carnal Man

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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When it comes to the study of humans, nearly every public college has courses on anthropology. Anthropology is a term that has its roots in Latin and Greek words that combine Anthropos- and -logy to mean the study of humans. It is not a surprise that the vast majority of anthropology courses focus on humanistic […]

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3 Influential Kings in the Bible

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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As a child, I remember singing with my class the song We Three Kings during an elementary school Christmas concert one evening before our Christmas vacation. Of course, no public school would dare do the same today, but the fact remains that as a young child, it was the first time that I heard about […]

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How to turn your sermon into clips

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