8 Important Facts About The Resurrection Of Jesus

by David Peach
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The resurrection of Christ is a paramount doctrine in Christianity. It is the event that proves to us that Jesus was who He claimed to be—the Son of God. Let’s look at a few facts concerning the resurrection and why they are important. A Historical Fact The life of Christ is a fact of history. […]

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Bible Character Study on Amos

by David Peach
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Amos is one of the Bible’s minor prophets. These prophets are known by this name because the length of their prophecy is shorter than that of the major prophets. It should be noted however that there is equal importance given to both the major and minor prophets. Let’s look at what we know about Amos […]

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Bible Character Study on Abigail

by David Peach
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Abigail became one of the wives of King David. The story of how she met the king is a fascinating study on an interesting lady. She was sympathetic and understanding even when the situation around her was difficult. We can learn much from this Old Testament lady of faith. The main story of Abigail is […]

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Bible Character Study on Barnabas

by David Peach
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Barnabas is a man who was very instrumental in the spread of the Gospel in the early days of the church. Yet, he is not as well known as Paul who we consider to be the first, and greatest, missionary in church history. Of course God could have used someone else to facilitate Paul’s introduction […]

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What Are The 12 Tribes of Israel From The Bible?

by David Peach
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The 12 tribes of Israel are named for the 12 sons of Jacob. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel later in his life. Each son became the patriarch for the 12 tribes found in the Bible. The story of the wives and sons of Jacob take up a good portion of the book of Genesis. […]

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10 Convicting Questions To Ask Yourself Today

by David Peach
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When I find myself not living right or having a bad day, there are some people I want to avoid. I want to stay away from my friends who will ask me hard questions about what is going on in my life: How is my thought life?, How is my personal walk with God?, etc. […]

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What Is The Role Of A Mission Agency?

by David Peach
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Certainly there are different ways that mission agencies work. It is hard to encapsulate everything they do and what their purpose is, but here are some general things that can be said about the role of a missions agency. Each agency will have greater or lesser emphasis on these points; but, generally, you will find […]

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How To Reach The Deaf For Christ

by David Peach
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As a missionary to the Deaf I am often asked what is different about sharing the Gospel with the Deaf compared to hearing people. I think the better question is, “How do you clearly present the Gospel?” The principles of sharing the Gospel with anyone should be based on the Bible, language, culture and education […]

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10 Inspirational Chapters In The Bible

by David Peach
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There are many great chapters in the Bible that either tell a story or give great comfort and encouragement. Here are 10 chapters from the Bible that are inspirational in their own way. I trust they will be as much of an encouragement to you as they are to me. 1 Samuel 17 The story […]

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Samson Bible Story Summary and Study

by David Peach
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Samson lived in the land that God had given to the Israelites. But there were still other people who either inhabited the land or attacked the Israelites. God used men (and one woman) called Judges to lead and protect the people of Israel during this time before they had a king. One of these judges […]

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