5 Christian Tips For Dealing With A Difficult Supervisor or Boss

by David Peach
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While there are several good examples in the Bible of those who worked for bad bosses, Joseph is the one that immediately sticks out to me. Though his father loved him disproportionately you couldn’t say he was a bad boss to work for. But the supervisors over Joseph (his older brothers) hated him so much […]

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John the Apostle: Bible Biography, Facts and Death

by David Peach
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John the Apostle was one of the 12 disciples of Christ. This disciple was one of the sons of Zebedee who followed our Lord. His story extends many years past the earthly ministry of Christ. John was known as an apostle, author, and the only apostle who was not killed by martyrdom, though not from […]

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7 Important Things A Dad Needs To Tell Their Child

by David Peach
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Parents teach their children many things whether they intend to or not. It is often said, “more is caught than taught.” Your children learn from you every day. The question is, are they learning the right thing from your example. Here are some important things that you can purposefully teach your children. Certainly there are […]

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How To Know I Am Being Called Into Ministry Work

by David Peach
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God has given certain instruction in His Word to help guide our lives on a daily basis. Some of these guidelines apply to everyone. For example, He wants to have a personal relationship with you through salvation. Then there are times when God guides or calls a person into specific ministry. I want to give […]

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5 Activities To Do When Life Gets You Down

by David Peach
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Many people struggle with feeling down and depressed. Even Christians. You may not have been diagnosed by a doctor with depression, but you get a feeling that something is wrong and you don’t know how to control your sad or deflated emotions. There are various reasons that people feel down. It could be caused by […]

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20 Ways To Serve At Church

by David Peach
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It is possible to be a member of a church, but never be part of the team that makes the church function properly. Spiritual growth happens when you move from being a receiver to being a reproducer. A church of 100 people could not function if there were 100 pastors, but neither can it function […]

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1 Peter 2 Bible Study and Questions

by David Peach
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The book of 1 Peter was written specifically to the Christians who were scattered during the persecutions of the first century. However, the content of the book is applicable to all Christians at any time and is a general book of encouragement for spiritual growth and holiness. The book is believed to have been written […]

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Bible Character Study of Nehemiah

by David Peach
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Nehemiah is probably best known for rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days, but beyond that, what do you know about this important Bible character? Though I have heard the story and read the book many times, it wasn’t until I did a previous chapter-by-chapter look at the book of Nehemiah that I really […]

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Bible Character Study on Caleb

by David Peach
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One of the well-known heroes of the Old Testament is Joshua, the military leader who led Israel into taking possession of the Promised Land. However, right beside this great man is Caleb. While Caleb does not have as many verses dedicated to him in the Bible, what we are told in few words speaks volumes […]

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6 Christian Friends Who Have Influenced My Life

by David Peach
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I am thankful to have been influenced by many great men and women in my 35 years as a Christian. I could certainly name more than just six, but these jumped out to me as people who not only taught me great Christian lessons, but are role models that I would like to emulate in […]

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