7 Attributes of God You May Not Know

by David Peach
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There are several well-known attributes of God. These include omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, immutability, holiness and mercy. The attributes discussed in this article are attributes that may be less commonly known, but still equally important. We should continue to study about God and His character to get an understanding of who He is and how He […]

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7 Prayer Meeting Ideas

by David Peach
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When you come together with a group of friends, family or church members and you want to pray, it is helpful to have a purpose for your time of prayer. This purpose can be defined by a particular event, person or activity that you are praying for. When you are gathered around with fellow believers […]

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How To Show Grace To Others: 10 Great Ways

by David Peach
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Grace has been defined in many different ways. When we talk about God’s grace we think of His giving us His Son for our salvation. My favorite definition for God’s grace is: God giving us what we don’t deserve. We deserved the punishment of Hell, but God graciously bestowed on us the gift of His […]

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My Five Favorite Bible Stories

by David Peach
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We all grow up with a list of favorite Bible stories. It is hard to decide on just a few, but it is fun to write them down and see what your favorite Bible stories are. Maybe this would be better titled “Five of My Favorite Bible Stories” though the list could include many others. […]

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Teaching Kids About Easter: 5 Great Ways

by David Peach
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Easter is a wonderful Christian holiday where we celebrate the risen Jesus Christ. Each year we should look forward to this day because it is a reminder of our promised future resurrection. However you choose to celebrate this holiday, here are five ways for teaching kids about Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Attend […]

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How to Stop Worrying: 7 Tips for Christians

by David Peach
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When we feel that things are out of our control we tend to worry but how do you stop worrying?  Most of the awful things we imagine will happen never do. We can be thankful for that. We should understand that worrying never helps a situation get better. Worrying sends a message to ourselves and […]

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10 Great Prayers For Courage

by David Peach
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There are many great prayers in the Bible that can be read and studied to help you know how to pray for strength. Though one of the stories mentioned below doesn’t contain the text of the prayer the Bible says that they prayed and God heard them. Do you find yourself in need of courage […]

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Christian Easter Traditions: 7 Ideas For Families

by David Peach
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Easter is always a special time for Christian families because of what the holiday means for us and our future resurrection. Jesus Christ won victory over the grave with His resurrection and He provided for our resurrection. There are many different Easter traditions your family can enjoy in the days leading up to Easter. Some […]

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10 Prayer Tips: How To Talk To God

by David Peach
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Prayer is simply having a conversation with God. There are many different thoughts on what you should and shouldn’t say when you pray. There is merit to many of these ideas. But try to make your prayer life a simple conversation with your Heavenly Father. Here are 10 tips to help you as you begin […]

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5 Parables of Jesus To Learn From

by David Peach
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Jesus used earthly stories to teach heavenly concepts. We call these parables, which is a type of analogy. Sometimes the meaning of the parable was obvious and other times it needed to be explained. Here are five parables of Jesus that teach us some biblical principle that we can apply in our lives. The Good […]

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How to turn your sermon into clips

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