One of my favorite things to do is listening to beautiful Christian songs [1] played on the piano. I am a musician but my instruments are the flute and my voice. I often tell my family that one of the things on my “bucket list” is to learn to play the piano. I often advise young ladies who want to marry a preacher to learn to play the piano because chances are they will be in a church that has no piano player and that will fall to the preacher’s wife. Since I do not play the piano we have had many services that included a cappella hymns and songs. Interestingly enough that Italian term “a cappella” actually means in a manner of the church (singing without instrumentation).

A skilled pianist will not only play a melody on the keyboard, but they will keep the rhythm as well.
The piano is a unique instrument in that it has strings and hammers. Although classified as a member of the percussion set of instruments, clearly the sound comes from the strings that are hit by the hammers that are worked with the keyboard. Because of this a skilled pianist will not only play a melody on the keyboard, but they will keep the rhythm as well. Therefore the piano is one of the best instruments to be used for accompaniment to the voice, other ensembles of instruments and entire orchestras. As a solo instrument, the piano can be mesmerizing.
I have chosen just 7 of my favorite Christian songs [3] that can be played on the piano. These are in no particular order. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Featured Song: When We All Get to Heaven (piano by Anthony Burger) The video in the upper right is by the late Anthony Burger. In it he shows several ways to play this great hymn of faith on the piano. At the end of the video he shares why he was so willing to show people what he knows. He is in Heaven now but while he was on earth he sure could make that piano sing. Enjoy!
How Great Thou Art (Piano by John Troutman)
Mighty to Save (piano by David Bauer)
This is one of my favorites that I have in my mix of instrumental music [4] that plays in our ministry office. I often have folks ask me about David’s music. I think you will agree he is lovely with the keyboard.
The Love of God (Piano by Greg Howlett)
Greg Howlett has several CDs out now. His music is lovely to meditate upon … Selah!
Above All (written by Michael W. Smith)
I can not name the pianist in this video but I think he does a great job with this heart-felt piano solo.
Showers of Blessings (Music written by James McGranahan)
Here is another great hymn of faith played by an unknown artist. I want to dance in the showers of blessings.
We Fall Down (written by Chris Tomlin)
The first time I ever heard this worship song was on a keyboard and I had not even heard the words yet. I believe it is a worshipful with or without the lyrics.
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