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6 Things to Look For In a Church Conference

Here are six things that you should look for in a church conference.


[1]Here are six things that I believe you should look for in a church conference [2], and number one and most important, is it based upon the Word of God? Does the schedule and programs bring glory to God? Does it conflict with what the Bible teaches in any way at all? Do the agenda and handouts better equip the saints so that they can be more useful for the Kingdom? Is the conference subject something that will bring glory to Jesus Christ? Opinions can be wrong, but the bedrock truth of Scripture must be the foundation to all that the conference covers. Unless it squares with the Bible, and worse, if it teaches things contrary to Scripture; run…don’t walk, but run (or at least don’t sign up).

Expensive or Economical

One of the most important factors in whether to attend a conference or not is whether it’s very expensive or fairly economical?” Of course, attending conferences is expensive today, but it should not break the bank. If it seems to highly priced, then it may well be that it’s not right for you. Some of the best church conferences that I’ve ever attended were completely free or with very little expense. Naturally, some conferences include means and we should expect that they will cost more, but if it seems like the prices are too exorbitant, then this conference might not be right for you. From my experience, very few church conferences are in it to make money, and many conferences have made pre-arrangements with area hotels, offering conference attendees a discount at their motel.


Available Resources

In our church, we keep a small library where people can borrow or keep books, read them, return them, and a variety of other small booklets about the Christian faith. These were donated and we include only solid authors like Charles Stanley, C. W. Lewis, and John MacArthur. These are resources that anyone can have and they’re absolutely free. A good church conference should have at least some resources available that are relevant to the conference’s intent, even if it’s a brochure about the conference or a website associated with the conference. There should be at least some resources available, and yes, even if we have to pay for them. Good books (or booklets) from good Bible teachers can help strengthen our faith so that we can better glorify God. Some books are money well spent.

If the conference is about evangelism, there might be several free resources available to choose from, and there are many people who are willing to come and speak for free. Just sitting and hearing a lecture for a few hours without something tangible they can hold on to will not help them remember the reason they came to the conference in the first place. A good church conference should be able to give practical ideas to the listeners who can then put that teaching into application. All conferences should be outcome based; that is, an objective they wish to achieve.

Creature Comforts

[4]Since most of the people who are attending the conferences will be sitting for some time, it’s best to make them as comfortable as possible.  Even having a snacks, coffee or drinks table set up for intermission for breaks during the conference will help. Having name badges is a huge help to me. You can buy name tags that you just stick on your lapel or somewhere so that people can begin to call you by name, and you may even remember their name! As for me, I bring a blank notebook or pad and plenty of pens so I can take notes and share pens with those who didn’t bring one.  The weakest ink is better than the best memory. The point being, you’ll get more out of a conference if you take notes.  I remember once hearing, “The mind can withhold only what the bottom can withstand.”

Informed Presenters

The reason most people might attend a church conference is to learn and grow in biblical wisdom, so we should have reasonable expectations that the teachers or speakers have a good, firm grasp of the Bible and that they can show us everyday application for what we’re learning. For example, a church conference about missions might invite a missionary to speak to the group. Who better to tell us what it’s like on the “front line” of the battle to share God’s Word? Most can tell us some pretty amazing things and others can tell us just how frightening things were. Several missionaries have related that they almost died in some cases, but God remained faithful. This is why a first-hand account is always best because the presenters or speakers who have the greatest experience are the most compelling teachers and can inspire us to be even bolder for Christ. Speaking for me, I would look for a church conference who doesn’t necessarily have to be an expert or PhD, but at least someone who is well-suited and well-experienced to speak about a particular area. [5]


Another thing to look for in a church conference is whether they live-stream the conference [2]. This comes in handy in case you miss part of it or can’t make it for the whole conference. You can always go back to parts of the conference that you were especially interested in, so having the conferenced live-streamed is an advantage, even if you can attend the entire conference. It’s also something you can easily share with your Christian contacts in case they couldn’t attend. It’s a conference that keeps on giving…


Finally, I must ask you if you have put your trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If not, you are in real danger of hell fire. And I mean, in immediate danger. Like everyone, you are only one breath, one heartbeat…one accident away from eternity when it will be too late to repent. This is why today is the best day to believe (2 Cor 6:2) because tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. If Jesus Christ came today, will this be your fate (Matt 7:21-23)? This is the reason why I plead with you as you read this, repent today and put your trust in the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If not, you will face God’s judgment after death guaranteed (Heb 9:27) or at Jesus Christ’s appearance (Rev 20:12-15), whichever comes first, and either one could come at any moment.

Here is some related reading for you: Great Topics for Women’s Meetings and Ministries [6]

Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.