Being single can be hard, especially around Christmas and Valentine’s Day. It can be lonely watching other men and women embracing one another, holding hands and flirting. It is a natural feeling to want those kinds of things, and when we are single it can get lonely. You can go to many different people and get many suggestions on how to find a spouse, but the only opinion that matters is God’s. This is why it is crucial that we take marriage to God in prayer before and during our time searching for a mate.
Here are 6 prayers that you can pray when you are single and searching for that special someone!

It is crucial that we take marriage to God in prayer before and during our time searching for a mate.
I Am Lonely (For The Men)
I am lonely. I feel like everyone I know has found a wife and I desperately long to have one of my own. Lord, You declared in Genesis that it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). That is why you made a helper for Adam. Father, I long for the affection of a spouse. I long for intimacy, Lord. I long for an intimacy that will allow me to love my wife like Christ loves His church, that I may give of myself to her so she will have her needs met. Father, I long for that sexual, physical, emotional, and intellectual connection that can be had with a woman. I pray that You lead me to a woman that will love me for me, Father. Lead me to a woman who fears You, Lord. Lead me to a woman who absolutely is in love with You, Father! I thank You for Jesus, Lord! I love You, Father! Amen
I Am Lonely (For The Women)
O Lord,
Where are the men of courage? Where are the men who aren’t afraid to say “no” to others so they can say “yes” to me? Father, I so desperately want to have a husband. Lord, I trust in You and I know that You have my interests in mind. Lord, my delight is in You; please grant this desire that is in my heart! (Psalm 37:4) Father, I am lonely and I yearn for the man who will cherish me. Father, lead me with strong hands to the man who will walk with me through the good and the bad. Father, prepare his heart and my own so that when we find each other we will know that this is only from You! I love You, Lord! Amen
Heavenly Father,
You understand my desires of the flesh. Being single is tough, Father, and I pray that you will help me as I battle sexual temptation. Lord, I want to save myself for my wife/husband. I don’t want to give away such a personal part of me to some woman/man that I won’t spend my life with. Father, You want me to stay pure until the wedding day, so please give me strength when I am weak. Give me a way out when sexual feelings bombard me. Lord, I need You to walk with me! Thank You for life, Father! May my life reflect Your love to others this day. Amen
Don’t Settle
Dear Lord,
I long for the companionship of a mate, and it is getting so difficult. I don’t want to settle for someone who You don’t want me with. I want a physical connection so bad! I want to hold hands, kiss and cuddle! I want hour long conversations at night! But, I don’t want to settle just to have these things. Father, please hear my prayer to You! Guide me to a person who is right for me. Guide me to someone who loves You above all things. Lord, give me strength for today as I continue searching for a spouse. I love You! Amen
Be An Example
Holy God,
Being single is a gift. There is nothing wrong with being single, but I still long for a partner in this life. Father, while I am waiting, give me strength to endure each day. Lord, I am Your child. I pray that my life can reflect Christ to those around me always. Father, I will praise You in this time of singleness and I pray that You will be glorified in all I do this day! May everyone I meet see You in me today! And if possible, may my future spouse see me as well! I love You! Amen
Keep Dreaming
Blessed Lord,
I am ready to find a mate. Lord, until the day comes where we meet, I will keep hoping and dreaming. I can imagine what our first kiss will feel like! I can imagine how wonderful holding hands will be! I can imagine how emotionally connected we will be through long conversations! I can imagine how attractive they will be and outshine all of the rest around me! Father, I absolutely love You and I want to show that love to a mate! Guide me to someone who will be good for me. I love You! Amen
I hope you have found these prayers [2] helpful. Stay strong in your singleness! God has a plan for your life. Give all of your dreams, hopes and plans to the Lord and let Him lead You. He wants the best for you and that may require more waiting, but better to wait for a shining gem than to grab a tarnished jewel. God bless you all as you continue to live a life worthy of the calling!
Related Reading: True Love: How Do You Know When You Find It [3]