How Did Jesus Fulfill The Day of Atonement?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Day of Atonement point to Jesus Christ?  How did He fulfill this day by His work on the cross? The Day of Atonement This was the one day whereby all the nation of Israel was commanded to fast and was the only feast day of the Jews where there was no food […]

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21 Bible Verses About God’s Provision

by Daryl Evans
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The word of God is full of inspiring assurances of how God will provide for his followers. God is fully aware of our needs and the Bible tells us of how God wants us to come to him with every need and care and worry that we may have. We often turn to God for […]

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Does The Bible Use or Copy Stories From Old Myths, Religions or Legends?

by Robert Driskell
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One of the skeptic’s favorite arguments against Christianity is their claim that much of the Bible is based on old pagan myths.  They claim that the Bible is merely the collection, and adaptation, of these myths by Christians.  These skeptics say that, far from being the written Word of God, the Bible is simply a […]

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How To Know I Am Being Called Into Ministry Work

by David Peach
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God has given certain instruction in His Word to help guide our lives on a daily basis. Some of these guidelines apply to everyone. For example, He wants to have a personal relationship with you through salvation. Then there are times when God guides or calls a person into specific ministry. I want to give […]

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Jim Cymbala Quotes: 20 Powerful Sayings

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Pastor Jim Cymbala has been leading the flock at Brooklyn Tabernacle since the early 1970s. There was no money available in the church with a congregation less than 50 so he and his wife worked outside of the ministry to meet expenses; both personal and for the church. This ministry that the Cymbala’s believed God […]

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5 Ways Separation Can Help to Save a Struggling Marriage

by Crystal McDowell
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Rather than make a rush judgment towards divorce, Christian couples may choose to separate for a period of time. In serious cases of verbal, physical, or emotional abuse where the victim is under severe stress—a separation gives time for healing. However before considering separation, both parties should seek out godly counsel from a pastor, respected […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Babylon? What Is Its Significance?

by Jack Wellman
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Does Babylon have symbolic meaning for our day today?  Does it have meaning for the future in prophecy?  What is significant about Babylon for Christians today? The Original Babylon Babylon has been around for thousands of years but today it is simply a tourist location and the ruins remain of what was once the greatest […]

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6 Ways To Connect With Long Distance Grandchildren

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I have been a “Grammy” for several years now and all of my grandchildren are a long distance from me. I visit them as often as I can and I miss them terribly when I am away. Through the years I have found some ways to connect with those long distance grandchildren. I must also […]

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5 Activities To Do When Life Gets You Down

by David Peach
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Many people struggle with feeling down and depressed. Even Christians. You may not have been diagnosed by a doctor with depression, but you get a feeling that something is wrong and you don’t know how to control your sad or deflated emotions. There are various reasons that people feel down. It could be caused by […]

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Book of Jude Commentary, Study and Summary

by Jack Wellman
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Why was the Book of Jude written?  Was Jude one of the disciples and if not, who was he?  What was the purpose of the Book of Jude? What was Jude? Jude which in Hebrew is Judas was one of four half-brothers of Jesus Christ (Mark 6:3; Matt 13:55).  He is not the same Judas […]

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