10 Great Quotes From What Christians Want To Know Articles

by Pamela Rose Williams · Print Print · Email Email

At the time of this writing we have published more than 1200 articles at What Christians Want To Know. We have been able to do this by the grace of God and through the talents and dedication of some great writers. All this considered, I thought it might be fun to choose 10 great quotes from What Christians Want To Know articles. These are 10 of my favorites, in no particular order:

7 Bible Promises that Have Impacted My Life

“And the greatest Bible promise of them all [John 1:12, 13] is the promise that if we come to Him seeking salvation, He will grant it. He wants to forgive. If He wasn’t interested in you then He would not have sent His son to die for you. Don’t believe the lie that God cannot or will not forgive you because you have done some terrible thing. Trust in the promise of a loving, holy, wonderful God who says He will grant salvation to those who will receive His gift of eternal life.” ~ David Peach

Does Faith in God and Science Conflict with Each Other?

“There is no conclusive evidence or absolute proof of where the universe came from and how life began.  In fact it takes more faith to believe that the universe came out of nothingness and that life came about on its own than to believe in a causal effect; a Creator Who is the cause for the effect of all there is.” ~ Jack Wellman

10 Great Quotes From What Christians Want To Know Articles

15 Inspirational Christian Quotes About Raising Children

“Parenting is difficult and I often feel like I am failing but I know if I trust in God and call out to Him for help and guidance that He will show Himself strong. Parents need to pray. Christian parents need to get others also to be active in prayer for their children.” ~ Josh Wiley

Is Jesus a Lunatic, Liar or Lord?

“Jesus simply is who He said He was.  Jesus is the Son of God and He not only lived on this earth but He died a martyr’s death for your sin and mine.  But He didn’t just die, He conquered death through His resurrection from the dead.  He is alive and well today. Everyone ultimately must make a decision about what you are going to do about Jesus.” ~ Daryl Evans

Is It Sin for Unmarried Christians to Live Together?

“Whether there is sex or not, living together is clearly sin because it gives the appearance of evil and we are to be above reproach and be an example for the church. Excusing one’s lifestyle because it feels right is putting yourself at great risk for the disciplining hand of God and God is angered when we justify our sins by rationalizing them.  This is a sin of presumption.  They presume that God would not care but most certainly He does care and no sin ever goes unpunished or without consequences.” ~ Jack Wellman

What Does the Bible Say About Grief?

“As believers, we have hope. Our hope is Jesus Christ and knowing that His promises are what will sustain us during the darkest of hours. In the case of a death of a believer, we know and place our hope in the fact that it is not “goodbye” that we say; it is “so long”. It is the hope that there will be a reunion one day like no other. It is the hope that we shall ‘ever be with the Lord.’” ~ Dr. Michael Williams

Teaching Children About Prayer

“God blesses you with so many opportunities to reveal His hand, His love, and His presence in the lives of your children. Make prayer a top priority for your family—one day you may be the beneficiary of your children’s children prayers!” ~ Crystal McDowell

Why Would God Forgive Me?

“The biblical record shows us that God loves us and, through His Son, has made a way for us to be forgiven. The Bible also shows us that God saved the vilest perpetrator of evil upon believers, the apostle Paul, and used him in a mighty way to further His kingdom. There is nothing that any of us have ever done that will disqualify us from receiving the forgiveness and salvation that God offers as a free gift. ~ Robert Driskell

What Does the Bible Say About Faith?

“It truly is a miracle that your own life will be spared from eternal torment in hell by having faith in Christ’s death and choosing Him as Savior and Lord of your life because everyone deserves hell.  If you can have faith in the most important thing, life eternal with Christ in heaven through His death, then have faith on the smaller issues here on earth. ~ Derek Hill

How to Respect Your Husband

“Accept the fact that God made you the weaker vessel. This is one of those things that has taken me many years to do.  I am a strong willed woman and many times I have tried to do things that I needed not to do. I now am thankful that my husband carries the heavy packages and opens the doors for me. He is being what God has made him to be, my protector – not only for safely sake but for my own health and well-being.” ~ Pamela Rose Williams

Final Thoughts

My prayer is that you have been encouraged by these quotes and that you even had some time to go back and read the articles from which they came. I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many talented, godly men and women as I continue to serve at What Christians Want To Know.

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